
General Site Questions

Does the site use cookies?

The short answer is no. We do not use any cookies to track your usage or any type of personal information at all. The nature of any web site is that some information must be stored to facilitate communication with the hosting server. These cookies are classified as 'Strictly Necessary and Non-essential' More information here.

Does the site have ads or other revenue-generating components?

No. We are not company or a for-profit group. The site is personally funded - think of it as a fan-page. We have no ads or other tracking components on the site.

Does the site buy or sell anything?

No. We do not buy or sell anything via this site. The public Facebook group does have members that may post items for sale, but they are not associated with this site.

Content Questions

What is the source of the images?

Various. I tried to use as many old publications and catalog reproductions as I could find for original representations. For the primary images, watermarked, they are images I have taken myself. Supplemental images are all from 3rd party individuals. If I find an image I can positivly identify, I will reach out to the owner for permission to use. Once permission is granted, I will watermark the image with the owners desired information (or not if they choose not to be identified) prior to including. I take the person who originally posted the photo at their word if they say they are the owner and they grant me permission. If for any reason that turns out to be incorrect, and a supplemental image was not theirs to provide and you can show proof of ownership and wish the item removed, please contact us.